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- 100 - Opportunity Costs: Have you thought of what you’re giving up?
15 September 2023
Intrinsic motivation in a species is said to be correlated to the size of the brain relative to the body. Bigger the brain relative to the body, more driven is the species to exercise it for fun or for challenging things. That explains...
- 104 - Odds and ends
27 September 2023
What happens in groups happens to individuals as well ...
career design
- 100 - Opportunity Costs: Have you thought of what you’re giving up?
15 September 2023
Intrinsic motivation in a species is said to be correlated to the size of the brain relative to the body. Bigger the brain relative to the body, more driven is the species to exercise it for fun or for challenging things. That explains...
- 102 - Keep calm and be like Van Gogh
21 September 2023
The perils of making up your mind too early ...
leadership and org culture
- 101 - Great leaders enjoy the deepest level of our permission
18 September 2023
Learning permission marketing from an ex train ticket examiner ...
- 111 - Commander’s Intent and That Sweet Spot between Micromanaging and Abandoning
15 October 2023
‘In a principal-agent model,’ writes Nobel Laureate Richard Thaler in Misbehaving, ‘the principal is the boss, often the owner of a firm, and the agent is someone to whom authority is delegated.’...
personal development
- 102 - Keep calm and be like Van Gogh
21 September 2023
The perils of making up your mind too early ...
- 105 - The Art of Learning
30 September 2023
I faced a crisis at sixteen when I entered junior college. I was thrust into a period of intense preparation for competitive exams for undergrad admissions. A ranker through school, I was unsettled by the depth in competition. I...
- 103 - The Truly Ambitious Hate False Progress
24 September 2023
If you have worked in operations (or taken an operations research course in business school), it is likely that you would’ve heard about the theory of constraints....
- 116 - The slippery slope of hypothesis-less entrepreneurship
30 October 2023
For the last year and across multiple stints before that, I’ve worked toward getting pre-product-market-fit startups (products and services) off the ground....
- 114 - TWO SELVES
24 October 2023
Scotch ...
- 125 - Nine Tiny Thoughts from September and October
20 November 2023
These tiny thoughts—most of them the words and ideas of luminaries in their fields—cover the themes of cognition, perception, and intuition; holding an opinion; and working with others....
- 162 - Laziness is exhaustion
4 March 2024
A client of mine who’s a clinician recently told me she feels happy any time her first patient of the day (8am slot) cancels, but right after she feels guilty for feeling good about not working....
- 54 - Why do we tend to go with the tried and tested for big decisions?
30 April 2023
We often hawk ourselves like potatoes when it matters. Even when we’re zucchini or asparagus or anything but a potato. Why? ...
- 169 - Feedback, observation, and coaching
11 April 2024
Over the last six months or so, I’ve clocked hours doing, what I’ve come to learn is, internal and external coaching. At work, I’ve done consistent hours of mentoring/coaching and I’ve been lucky enough to have a few paid coaching clients. ...